Urgent Primary Care Centres, run via Pathfinder pilot schemes along with normal Cluster working approaches (i.e. Locum Shifts organised to work on behalf of multiple practices within the same shift) can use Locum Hub Wales.

This additional functionality will enable Practices to separate their UPCC bookings from their regular Practice Locum bookings. It will also help to avoid confusion for the location of where the shift will take place – the location of the UPCC can be specified in the notes area if there are multiple locations for the UPCC.

This is particularly relevant for GMPI Records of shifts, for Medical Indemnity

How to get set up

  1. Get in touch with NWSSP - they will gather a bit of information about the UPCC/Cluster using this form
    1. Cluster Name, initial Manager User name and email, preferred image, address (if a single fixed address for locums to arrive at work from), Clinical System(s) in use.
  2. NWSSP will communicate with the GPWales Support Team to load new location and cluster information into the site.
  3. The GPWales Support Team will set up a new location, with a specific picture and titling to highlight the type of shift for users. Please do not edit these. We'll get in touch with the authorised cluster Manager to connect themselves to the new account.
  4. The Cluster Manager can then approach further users in the same way as they would with a normal Practice.


Please do not simply change the name of a Practice to make it a UPCC. This may create risk around GMPI Records.

Practices and relevant Practice Codes should be orchestrated by the GPWales Support Team via NWSSP.


Accessing the Cluster

  1. Ensure the Cluster has been added to the list of Practices you wish to manage in the last tab of your profile. Search for the name we provided.
  2. In the Practice Tools menu, click 'Switch Practice', start typing the name of the Practice you wish to access and select from the list. Refresh the browser page.
  3. The light blue box in the bottom left corner will update to show the Practice you are accessing.
  4. Use the Practice Tools menu in the normal way
  5. To switch back, use the same method but search for the other Practice name(s)

For reassurance in respect of your Practice Data, other Practice Managers who have access to the UPCC option will not be able to view your Practice details and vice versa; their access to Locum Hub Wales will be determined by their own personal access rights.

All other functionality within Locum Hub Wales would be the same for UPCC locations as for Practice W codes. Please use the notes area when posting a UPCC shift to enter details on the location to arrive at, clinical system used and any guidance to the Locum.

Posting Shifts

  1. UPCCs/Cluster can post shifts in the same way as GP Practices with one adaptation; details on the shift location should be entered clearly in the Shift Notes. We'd recommend making it as clear as possible the expectations or activities within the shift.

--LOCATION TO ARRIVE AT--: [Practice Name], [Practice Address and Postcode]

--CLINICAL SYSTEMS--: Emis Web & Vision

--GUIDANCE--: The shift will cover triage of lists across 4 Practices, logging into each instance of Emis Web or Vision for each Practice in turn. For new Locums please contact [Name] for more information.

Have we missed something you want to know? Have any feedback or still confused? 

Get in touch with our Support Team: support@gpwales.co.uk or 0333 0111 899