An External Shift is a shift booked directly/outside of Locum Hub Wales. For the purposes of GMPI records are only needed in particular scenarios - check out NWSSP's Quick Reference Guide for more detail.
The GMPI Guidelines provide all the background information, and more specifically Appendix B.
Recorded shifts are only visible
- to the Locum who entered them,
- to the Practice/Location they were worked at,
- within reporting to NWSSP.
Only Locums can enter, edit or delete external shifts.
Looking for: Adding External Shifts?
Viewing External Shift Records
- Navigate to the "Locums" menu, then "External Shifts" page, or via the top right link in the "View & Manage Shifts" page.
- The landing page will show a record of shifts of the current month. You can change the month displayed using the filter at the top.
- For those who wish to keep an offline record of shifts, you can 'print screen' this view in your browser options.
- View Details will show all shift information
- Edit - You can edit a record of the shift by clicking Edit and changing any of the parameters. You'll not be able to change the record to overlap with a shift in the system already or if you've said you 'Can't Attend' a shift for that time - if this is attempted you'll need to recreate the shift.
- Delete - You can Delete a record, if the shift is cancelled for example. This will remove all information relating to this shift, as if it was never entered. Please ensure you delete the correct shifts if you select this option.
No Shifts Worked Declarations
The All Wales Locum Register (AWLR) also connects Locums to General Medical Practice Indemnity (GMPI). Since 1st February 21 as part of the GMPI Guidelines shift records under GMPI need to be entered in Locum Hub Wales. Where there are months without any shifts entered, these months need to be confirmed to be accurate rather than the assumption of accuracy if empty.
This process if repeated each month where no External Shifts are entered.
Locum users with an AWLR number who have historic months with no shift records will receive emails on the 1st and 14th of the month to remind you to complete the confirmation process. If you have any shift records in the month, you'll not be asked to confirm anything.
If you log in, you'll see a Task in the top right of your dashboard. If you Click this link it'll redirect you to the External Shift page, or you can navigate to the page yourself.
- You'll see under the records for the current month a section for No Shift Worked Declarations.
- If you have months without External Shift and need to confirm this is correct you'll see an orange box with the pending confirmation months listed.
- If you add External Shifts worked (for the GMPI records) months with entries will no longer display in this list.
- Select any months you need to confirm had no External Shifts and click Submit.
- If you're up to date, or once you've completed the steps above you'll see this message bubble.
- You'll not be able to do anything further until the end of the next month.
Have we missed something you want to know? Have any feedback or still confused?
Get in touch with our Support Team: or 0333 0111 899