Do I need to record External Shifts in Managed Practices or Out of Hours (OOH)?
The NWSSP Reference guide explains the scenarios around which shifts need recording, for example Managed Practices or OOH shifts.
How far back do we need to enter shifts for?
The requirement to enter shifts on Locum Hub Wales to benefit from the Scheme for GMPI started on 1 February 2021.
Does the record of a shift times need to be perfect - what if I had to stay later than booked to finish the patient list?
Please see the last question in the GMPI Guideline FAQs
Can I just tell you I haven't done any shifts?
As entering External Shifts, or No Shifts Worked Confirmations directly relate to Medical Indemnity cover of work undertaken, the GPWales team cannot do anything on your behalf. Click the links for help with entering External Shifts or No Shifts Worked Confirmations.
Do I have to enter shifts before they happen to be covered?
No, you can add shift records retrospectively if you prefer, see the fourth question in the GMPI Guideline FAQs. Note shifts are recorded as 'Late Submissions' if entered for a shift over 31 days ago (or edited to be more than 31 days ago), but are still recorded for GMPI purposes.
I'm not expecting to work any locum shifts for a while, can I update the record in advance?
You could request a sabbatical from AWLR from NWSSP, or request withdrawal if you don't intend to Locum in the foreseeable future. You can only enter No Shifts Worked Confirmations after the end of the month.