All Shifts across the Practice (or UPCC/Cluster) that you're currently accessing will display in the calendar format.
Locums see a very similar version but covering all shifts (until filtered)
This page is mobile responsive so you may see a different layout on a smaller device but all the same features.
Accessing View All Shifts:
- Navigate to "Practice Tools" in the Main Menu
- Select "View All Locum Shifts"
Weekly Shift View
When you click View All Locum Shifts, it will load the weekly view of shifts covering the week containing today.
- By clicking the Browse by week Calendar box at the top left
- You can change the week you wish to view by clicking on any date in the week you wish to view (move months forward or backwards using the arrows at the top, or click on the month label to move to a specific month/year quicker)
- View at a glance the month as a whole. Green shaded days show booked shifts and blue shaded days show shifts with pending applications. This colour coding is mimicked in the week/day views.
- To filter the contents of the week/day views you can click filters in the middle of the page at the top
- You can filter by showing remote shifts only, then click 'Apply'. Clicking 'Clear All' will deselect all filters.
- Any filter selection will be retained in the Daily View of shifts.
- A quick link to Add More Shifts is in the top left of the page, this will take you to the Post a Shift page.
The Layout
- The page shows each day of the week as a column, running Monday to Sunday.
- Each Row is a section of the day. Shifts will display in the section of the START of the shift.
- Last Night 23:59-08:00 (i.e. 23:59pm of the previous day, up to 08:00am of the current day will show the same contents as the bottom row of the previous day, as denoted by the 'jigsaw' pieces. We've tried to display this twice so that the calendar is clear for Locums if they work a shift in this period that they'd not be able to work in the day shift as well.
- Day 08:00-18:30
- Evening 18:30-23:59
- Tonight 23:59-08:00 (also displays in the following day's 'Last Night' row)
- Each section in the calendar will show the number of shifts
- Unfilled = a shift in the past which was not accepted, either because there were no applicants, or those applicants weren't accepted in time for the shift
- Open = a posted future shift without any applicants
- Applied For = a posted future shift with at least one live applicant (i.e. hasn't been accepted/rejected yet) If the only applicant is rejected the shift status will revert to 'Open'
- Booked = a posted future shift with an accepted Locum to do the shift
- Closed = a posted shift in past or future but was created then cancelled by the Practice or 'Can't Attend' submitted by the Locum.
- Click any of dark grey date boxes or the sections in the day to open a more detailed 'Daily View'. You'll be loaded to the relevant part of the day.
Daily Shift View
When you click on a section of the weekly view, the more detailed Daily View will load. You'll be loaded to the relevant part of the day that you clicked on.
To then move to a different individual day, use the 'Browse by Day' calendar. to return to a weekly view, click 'View Week'
The page is still broken down into the same time ranges as the weekly view.
Each shift will display as a tile, containing;
- In the Header/Status bar
- The top left icon shows the part of the day the shift is within as a quick reminder
- Then the Start Date and Time to End Date and Time of the shift
- The Status of the Shift (this will also change the colour of the status bar for easy viewing)
- View Shift Details - Clicking this will load all information held in relation to the shift.
- In the Main Tile
- The Location image and name
- If the shift is remote a blue remote icon will overlay the image
- Information about the shift itself
- Where a shift has been accepted it'll also display the Locum name and GMC number which has been accepted.
- Buttons on the right hand side let you manage the shift
- Cancel Shift - will cancel the shift and email notify any applicants or accepted locums that it has been cancelled.
- Where you have applicants for a shift, these will display at the bottom of the tile (or in swipeable boxes if not used in desktop). More on Managing Applications
Have we missed something you want to know? Have any feedback or still confused?
Get in touch with our Support Team: or 0333 0111 899