Advertising any Job in your Practice in GPWales will automatically also post the job in NHSJobs.
We advertise across Wales and redirect applications to the NHSJobs system.
Once you're ready to get started, navigate to the Practice Tools menu, and select 'Post a Permanent Job'
The Job information is broken up into easy sections. You can start and stop anytime. Each section will show a status of 'Completed' or 'Needs more information'.
Once all sections are complete you'll be able to Submit the Job for processing. If you try to submit the Job too soon, the page will scroll and highlight any missing information.
Clicking any of the 'Save & Next Section' buttons or the 'Save Draft' button (on the right hand side of the screen at the bottom) will save a draft version of this job that you can then carry on editing, or come back to later (via 'Manage Permanent Jobs' page)
It will update the information with when the draft was last saved as an easy confirmation for you.
Section 1: Core Information
- Local Health Board - will pre-fill based on your Practice location, its required within NHSJobs 3 so it is displayed here.
- Job Title - please select the most relevant job title. If
you feel there isn't an appropriate title for you Job please contact or call 0333 0111 899
- Subtitle - this will only be relevant and display for General Practitioner, Advance Nurse Practitioners and Practice Managers
- Job Contract Type - select the most relevant job type. If you select 'Fixed Term' you'll need to enter this as text e.g. "16 months"
- Speciality/Function - this field allows you to clarify a job title to a greater definition of specialisation if required. You can type the same thing as the Job Title if you wish.
- Staff Group - select the most relevant staff group
Click 'Save & Next Section' to save this section to the draft and move to the next
Section 2: Time & Money
Band - if the Job Title is normally a 'Band' role this option will display. If not, it will be hidden from view to avoid confusion.
- Salary - Selecting 'Available on Request' or 'Available on Application' will display this in the Job Advert. If you select to enter an Hourly, Sessional or Annual (FTE) rate you'll need to then enter that number. If you're open to negotiate, or the salary is in a range please enter an anticipated average and expand that you expect this to be within a range in the Job Advert text.
- Fixed Working Pattern - Selecting Fixed will mean you will enter a single number for Hours or Sessions (depending on the Job Title) Selecting a Range will mean you need to enter a Minimum and Maximum value for Hours or Sessions.
Click 'Save & Next Section' to save this section to the draft and move to the next
Section 3: Practice Details
This section will pre-populate based on information from your Practice Profile. This will then display in the Job Advert along with wider Practice data.
We would highly recommend taking the time to complete all sections of your profile, including a Practice Image. We've seen a tangible increase in the fill rate of jobs and Locum Shifts of Practices will completed profile information.
To add or change the information that pre-fills the Practice Description, click on the link to 'Edit Practice Profile' or via the 'Practice Tools' menu.
The Practice Description can be copied from a word document (and the formatting should be retained) or typed in. NHSJobs 3 required a minimum of 100 and maximum of 1500 characters. If the character count has turned red please add more text if under 100 or remove some text if over 1500.
Note changing the description here will only be relevant to this job. To change the default description go to the Practice Profile.
Click 'Save & Next Section' to save this section to the draft and move to the next
Section 4: Contact Person for NWSSP
- Recruiting Manager Name - Please enter a full name of whomever can be contacted by NWSSP about this Job
- Recruiting Manager Email - Please enter their email
- Recruiting Manager Phone - Please enter their direct dial phone number. This is only for internal NWSSP use.
- Additional Reviewer Name & Email - NWSSP may also be able to contact this person if support is needed for shortlisting. You can leave this blank if you wish.
Click 'Save & Next Section' to save this section to the draft and move to the next
Section 5: Contact Person for Applicant
Select option for the details displayed in the Job Advert for applicants to reach out to if needed.- Use Recruiting Manager info will display the Recruiting Manager name, email and phone in the Job Advert. Note this will be the direct dial number entered above unless you instead choose to add different information below.
- Add Different information if you'd prefer - this could still be your name but a generic email or phone number rather than direct dial for example.
Click 'Save & Next Section' to save this section to the draft and move to the next
Section 6: Dates
- Closing Date - enter the closing date of the Job - this is the date that from midnight it will stop being displayed in GPWales. If unfilled, Jobs can be relisted from just a few clicks. NOTE - it can take 2 working days for NWSSP to post
- Interview Date - this date will need to be after the closing date
- Notes to NWSSP / Processing Team - this won't be visible to applicants in the Job Advert and is instead used for any communications to the team checking and loading this job into NHSJobs and releasing in GPWales.
Section 7: Qualifications Required
- Requires Qualification - If the Role requires a particular qualification please select Yes. e.g. a Nurse or Pharmacist would need qualifications to undertake their role, whereas a receptionist may not. If yes, this would need to be detailed in the Job Specification or Job Description.
- Requires Professional Registration - If the roles requires a professional registration e.g. GMC, NMC, GPhC select Yes. if not, No.
- DBS Check Level - Select the relevant DBS check level. We'd recommend including in the advert text whether you'll accept portable DBS checks already undertaken or will start a new DBS Check, and at what stage that would be undertaken.
Click 'Save & Next Section' to save this section to the draft and move to the next
Section 8: Job Description
- Job Overview - You need to click at the top of the box to select this section. You can write a Job Advert or copy and paste from a different document if you prefer. Use it for the 'short pitch' to inform, engage and excite about the key job details. Often shorter overviews are the most effective. NHSJobs 3 require 100-1500 characters as shown by the character count under the box.
- Main Duties of the Role - again, you can copy and paste from a document here, or write how you wish. NHSJobs 3 require 100-1500 characters as shown by the character count under the box.
- Job Description - This is a catchall space for anything else you wish to highlight. NHSJobs 3 require 100-10000 characters as shown by the character count under the box, so you have more space to expand if you wish.
- Uploading Documents for Job Description
- Click 'Choose File'
- Find the document from your device and select/open. Please note it MUST be a PDF format, this is both more secure and ensures the layout you see matches the layout the person opening the file will see too - you can 'save as' a word document to change the file-type to be a PDF or 'Print' the document (but switch from your normal printer) to become a PDF.
- The document filename will then display (note this is the filename which will display to users so please ensure it's clear what the file is)
- You can delete the attachment and try again if you have mis-selected or want to change the filename.
Click 'Save & Next Section' to save this section to the draft and move to the next
Section 8: Job Specifications
- Qualifications Criteria - ESSENTIAL - copy and paste or add any required qualifications here. This is an NHSJobs 3 required field.
- Qualifications Criteria - DESIRABLE - these qualifications would be helpful, but shouldn't stop the applicant from applying if they don't have them. This is an NHSJobs 3 required field.
- Experience Criteria - ESSENTIAL - copy and paste or add any required Experience here. This is an NHSJobs 3 required field.
- Experience Criteria - DESIRABLE - this experience would be helpful, but shouldn't stop the applicant from applying if they don't have them. This is an NHSJobs 3 required field.
- Additional Criteria - ESSENTIAL & Additional Criteria - DESIRABLE - these are optional fields or anything else essential or desirable which isn't a Qualification or Experience.
- Uploading Documents for Job Specification
- Click 'Choose File'
- Find the document from your device and select/open. Please note it MUST be a PDF format, this is both more secure and ensures the layout you see matches the layout the person opening the file will see too - you can 'save as' a word document to change the file-type to be a PDF or 'Print' the document (but switch from your normal printer) to become a PDF.
- The document filename will then display (note this is the filename which will display to users so please ensure it's clear what the file is)
- You can delete the attachment and try again if you have mis-selected or want to change the filename.
The completion circle should now be 100%. You're done!
You can save as a draft and come back to it later, or click to Submit to NWSSP in the top right of the screen.
If there are any errors the screen will scroll and highlight these for your attention.
If all the data is correctly entered the Job will be submitted to NWSSP and the button will change to the image on the right.
You will not be able to make amendments to the Job once submitted, the Support Team will need to help you.
If something is incorrect please contact the Support Team - or 0333 0111 899.
It is much easier to edit before NWSSP process to NHSJobs so please contact us asap if you see anything wrong.
The Job will now be processed by NWSSP within 2 working days, it'll then also be released in GPWales once in NHSJobs. We'll send an email to confirm it's gone live.
Here is the flow;
More on Editing, Cancelling or Managing Jobs can be found in the Manage Jobs help guide
Have we missed something you want to know? Have any feedback or still confused?
Get in touch with our Support Team: or 0333 0111 899