How does 'Best Offer' Auction type work?
With this auction model, a locum has one opportunity to bid for the shift with their 'Best Offer.' They will not have an opportunity to change it. They won't know what other locums have offered. Normally, you can expect a locum to offer a competitive fee that they expect will beat any competition. Please note, you can accept any locum at any time, you don't need to accept the locum with the lowest fee.
How does 'Reverse' Auction Type option work?
With this auction model, the first locum applies in the same way as the 'Best Offer' model. However, if a second locum applies and enters a lower fee than the first locum, the first locum will be notified that someone else has applied and entered a lower fee than them. The first locum is then invited back to revise their offer. If they do revise their offer and enter a lower fee, then the second locum will be notified, and so forth. This model will work with an unlimited number of locums. Please note, you can accept any locum at any time, you don't need to accept the locum with the lowest fee.