Locum Hub Wales is here to help matchmake between Practice's needing Locum Shift cover and Locums available to work them.
Locum Hub Wales don't employ locums, it's purely a mechanism to help Locums and Shifts find each other more effectively.
Some good places to get started...
- Set yourself up with an account
- Ensure that you've connected to the Practice you work with. UPCC/Clusters have a slightly different approach. Need others pre-approved?
- We recommend taking the time to ensure your Practice Profile is accurate and up to date.
- See who has favourited your Practice in the 'My Locums' page in the 'Practice Tools' menu.
- Create Shifts
- View LHW shifts and those booked externally for confidence that Medical Indemnity is place
- Manage frequency of Applications emails
- Accepting or Rejecting Applicants/Managing Applications
- Still struggling to fill shifts? see our Top Tips
Overview of the Locum Shifts process
- Practice User adds shifts - see Create Shifts
- Locums are automatically notified of shift(s), or browses and finds shift(s). They can view more information and then apply or ignore.
- Practice User will be notified by summary email that a new application has been received - you can manage the frequency of this from "Notification Settings" in the Initials Menu - more info on Applications emails
- Practice Users can log in to view applications via the "Manage Applications" page in the Practice Tools menu, or by finding the relevant shift date - more info on Managing Applications
- Practice User can accept/reject applicants
- When Accepting an applicant the, practice manager can either "Accept and Close" or "Accept and Leave Open." "Accept and Close" will accept the Locum to work the shift, and remove the shift so that no other locum can see or apply for the shift. "Accept and Leave Open" will accept the Locum to work the shift and leave the shift open for other applicants - which you can accept or reject later.
- Accepted Locums will be emailed immediately, as are any rejected locums.
- Please note - Locums can withdraw applications at any time, or if they are accepted for a different shift at an overlapping time they will be automatically withdrawn from any other applications to ensure they can't be working in two places at the same time.
- Locum works the shift
- If using Automated Invoicing, you'll get a monthly invoice from each Locum
Shift Statuses
- Unfilled = a shift in the past which was not accepted, either because there were no applicants or those applicants weren't accepted in time for the shift
- Open = a posted future shift without any applicants
- Applied For = a posted future shift with at least one live applicant (i.e. hasn't been accepted/rejected yet) If the only applicant is rejected the shift status will revert to 'Open'
- Accepted = a posted future shift with an accepted Locum to do the shift
- Cancelled (by Practice/Location) = a posted shift in the past or future but was created and then cancelled by the Practice Manager
- Cancelled (by Locum) = a posted shift in the past or future which used to be accepted but then the accepted Locum clicked to 'Can't Attend', completed the reasoning information and declaration (which is emailed to all Practice Users immediately)
Have we missed something you want to know? Have any feedback or still confused?
Get in touch with our Support Team: support@gpwales.co.uk or 0333 0111 899